Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Free Spirit

Im becoming more of the 3rd grade flavor I want to be . Carefree, Give money to friends have 3 girlfriends. Take them to roller rink.Thy didnt know I had ADd and Dyslexia. Then and now we do. 3rd Grade teacher Wizard of Oz Ms. Griffith.. Lets go play johnny. Lets play football. This isnt my religion Its yours comfortable in my skin

Monday, January 30, 2012


To be anonymous and be part of the wonderment of the wolrd. To grow up and grow out. To be open to explore different things in life. To be ready for serenity. To be accepting peace and harmony. Yo have a wonderful life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

2 cookbooks in 2012

One being the kickoff from Liz Knapp and the 2nd beinbg the followup with JKnapp kids and their families. What a dedloight for the entire family.